
Teachers Request Meeting With Zec, Concerned That They Have Been "Robbed" Of Right To Vote

Teachers Request Meeting With Zec, Concerned That They Have Been "Robbed" Of Right To Vote

The Progressive Teachers Union of Zimbabwe (PTUZ) has written to the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (Zec) to register their concerns that they have been robbed of their right to vote. Some teachers who were seconded to Zec for the July 30 elections have been deployed to different wards. This means that they will not be able to vote as the elections are polling station based.

Part of a letter written to Zec, by PTUZ secretary-general Raymond Majongwe reads,


We have observed with concern that most teachers seconded to ZEC for the July 2018 election administration have been deployed outside their voting wards literally meaning they will not be able to vote. This is a clear contravention of the Constitution as they have been robbed of the inalienable right to vote. We are therefore requesting for an urgent meeting with your esteemed office to address this anomaly.

Your cooperation in this regard will be highly appreciated.

At the time of writting, Majongwe said that Zec was yet to respond.
