
Bona Mugabe Loses Farm She Had Grabbed From Zanu-PF Politician

Bona Mugabe Loses Farm She Had Grabbed From Zanu-PF Politician

Former president Robert Mugabe’s daughter has lost one of her farms which she grabbed in 2014 from Zanu-PF politician Herbert Shumbamhini. Shumbamhini successfully reclaimed his farm which is located near Juru Growth Point and has complained that Bona and her husband Simba Chikore grabbed his farm but did not utilise it at all. Speaking to NewsDay, Shumbamhinhi said,

I moved in recently and I have begun resuscitating everything here. They had destroyed my property, including the house and boreholes. I was left with nothing. I lost my cattle and farming equipment…After grabbing about 600ha, they took over my 350ha farm, as they sought to extend their hectarage. But what is surprising is that they did not utilise the land. All in all, I am relieved and excited to have my farm back.

Former president Robert Mugabe has been alleged to own in excess of 20 farms, some of which he was leasing to white farmers.

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