
War Veterans Want To Be Buried At Their Farms

War Veterans Want To Be Buried At Their Farms

Addressing mourners at the burial of provincial hero Biggie Makuro at Mashonaland Central provincial heroes acre last week, war veterans provincial chairman, Sam Parirenyatwa said former liberation war fighters want to be buried at their respective farms to safeguard their properties.

Said Parirenyatwa:

It was our wish that our fellow comrades be buried at their respective farms. They fear that if they are buried at the provincial heroes’ acre their farms will be repossessed. The late Cde Makuro was given an offer letter a year back, but some people were giving him a torrid time. I promise his family that their farm will not be taken away. We appeal to the Minister of State for Mashonaland Central Provincial Affairs, Advocate Martin Dinha, to intervene and ensure that the land is not taken away.

More: Herald
