
Zanu-PF Should Remove Provision Which Suspends Inauguration Of President When There Is A Court Challenge - Sunday Mail Columnist

Zanu-PF Should Remove Provision Which Suspends Inauguration Of President When There Is A Court Challenge - Sunday Mail Columnist

The columnist who writes for the state-owned weekly newspaper, the Sunday Mail, under the pseudonym Bishop Lazarus has called for Zanu-PF to prioritize amending the provision which suspends the inauguration of the president, pending the decision by the Constitutional Court. Writes Bishop Lazarus,

You now see why I have always told you that democracy is a fallacy and voting doesn’t really matter? American writer, Mark Twain puts it aptly when he says: “If voting made any difference they wouldn’t let us do it.”

This business where people have voted for their preferred leader and soon after that the same people have to start calculating days when this and that will happen just because of some bad loser is just not on. Just like what Professor Lovemore Madhuku recently said, that provision that puts the inauguration of the President on hold pending the decision by the Constitutional Court should be Zanu – PF’s business number one when Parliament sits.

Opposition lawyers argue that the provision to put the inauguration on hold was meant to guard against a phenomenon known as “rush to inauguration,” but this is all a lie. There is no “rush to inauguration.” It’s called “rush to fulfil the wishes of the people.” That provision to put elections on hold because of a constitutional challenge yakaiswa nemagwara anoziva kuti achagara achidyiwa.
(because of a constitutional challenge filed by cowards who know that are always going to lose).

The case will be heard on Wednesday, 22 August at the Constitutional Court. State broadcaster ZBC has been granted the rights to air the proceedings live.

More: Sunday Mail

