
ZBC Has Technical Capacity To Broadcast Constitutional Court Proceedings Live: Mavhura Assures Nation, International Community

ZBC Has Technical Capacity To Broadcast Constitutional Court Proceedings Live: Mavhura Assures Nation, International Community

Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC) CEO, Patrick Mavhura assured the nation and the international community that the national broadcaster has the technical capacity to broadcast the Constitutional Court proceedings live starting tomorrow.

Mavhura said ZBC is also ready to provide feed to other local and international broadcasters who wish to subscribe with the state broadcaster. Said Mavhura:

We are ready and I can categorically state that we have the technical capacity to broadcast live the Constitutional Court proceedings. We have been doing this, we have the state of the art high definition equipment which can provide feed to other broadcasters. I also want to assure other stations that we will provide telecasting that is direct feed without ZBC’s comments, already we have started broadcasting live our news and current affairs from the Constitutional Court so we are ready.

More: ZBC
