
Zinwa Reassures Nation That Dams Have Sufficient Water

Zinwa Reassures Nation That Dams Have Sufficient Water


The Zimbabwe National Water Authority (Zinwa) has said that despite the recent decrease in dam levels, the country’s dams have adequate water to cater for domestic and industrial uses. In a statement, Zinwa said,

Dam levels are now on the downward trend due to the rising temperatures. The stoppage of river flows in many parts of the country and the intensification of irrigation activity around the country also explains the steady decline in dam levels…Despite this decline, the Zimbabwe National Water Authority (Zinwa) wishes to assure the nation that the water in the dams is sufficient to meet the country’s domestic and irrigation requirements. Prospective raw water users are therefore encouraged to approach their nearest Zinwa catchment offices and sign water abstraction agreements…Any use of water without the mandatory legal documentation constitutes a criminal offence in terms of Section 118 of the Water Act…

More: NewsDay
