
Govt Bans Highway Mining Of Chrome

Govt Bans Highway Mining Of Chrome

The government has ordered all chrome miners to cease their operations along the Shurugwi-Zvishavane Highway due to safety concerns. Outgoing Minister of State for Midlands Provincial Affairs, Owen Ncube said,

This is an irresponsible way of mining. We are not saying people should not mine, but they must do so responsibly. They should do their mining activities away from the road and homesteads…The pits dug here could be a death trap for livestock and other wild animals as well as people who stay in the surrounding areas. So chrome mining along this road is suspended until proper mining methods are applied and far away from the road.

….Imagine if investors were to see this place, activities here show that you are not responsible as miners here and it has the potential to drive investors away. The place has literally become an eyesore. Let’s mine responsibly.

More: Herald

