
Zanu-PF Youth Leaders Are Too Old: Children of War Veterans

Zanu-PF Youth Leaders Are Too Old: Children of War Veterans

The Children of Zimbabwe Liberation War Veterans’ Association (CZNLWVA) has complained about the leadership of the Zanu PF youth league claiming that most top leaders are over the age of 35. CZNLWVA national chairperson Innocent Mhlanga said

The Zanu PF constitution is very clear on that issue that the cut-off age must be 35, but we have a number of youth league executive members who are aged 40 years and some of them are 45.

Zanu PF youth league leader Pupurai Togarepi is 54. However, Togarepi’s deputy Lewis Matutu said,

I respect their opinion and I think one thing that must be made clear is that when we hold elections, someone who is 32 might get elected and by the time they finish their term, they will be above 35. It’s unfair to say that we have older people.

More: NewsDay
