In an interview with The Chronicle yesterday, Zanu-PF spokesperson Simon Khaya Moyo said the party is studying the European Union Observer Mission (EU OM) final report on the July 30 harmonised elections and will issue a response when its done studying the report.
Khaya Moyo however, said Zimbabwe’s elections were endorsed as free, fair, transparent and credible. Said Khaya Moyo:
Our July 2018 harmonised elections were observed by many entities from all over the world including the European Union. We are therefore very happy that we have been looking at various observer mission reports including African Union and Sadc among others. Clearly, all those reports that we have gone through are quite refreshing because they endorsed our elections as having been free, fair, transparent and credible. We are of course still studying the EU OM report and certainly we shall respond to it in due course.
Also Read:
Election Failed To Meet Standards That Zimbabwe Committed Itself To – EU Election Observers Clarify
ConCourt Disregarded Value Of Evidence Placed Before It In Presidential Petition – EU
We Passed SADC And AU Standards: Zanu-PF Responds To EU Election Report
More: Chronicle