
Zanu-PF Conference Dates Set

Zanu-PF Conference Dates Set

In an interview with The Herald yesterday, spokesperson, Simon Khaya Moyo, said the party’s Politburo has set December 10 to 15 as the dates for its 17th Annual National People’s Conference to be held in Esigodini, Matabeleland South province.

The conference was initially set for Gwanda before the Politburo resolved that the event should be shifted to Umzingwane Boys’ High School in Esigodini for accommodation and logistical purposes. The conference, whose theme is “Zimbabwe is Open for Business: In unity and peace towards an upper middle-income economy by 2030”, is expected to attract 5 000 delegates drawn from the country’s 10 provinces. Said Khaya Moyo:

The conference is earmarked for December 10 to 15, 2018. There will be a Politburo meeting on Monday, the 10th of December and a Central Committee meeting on Wednesday the 12th of December 2018. Thursday, the 13th of December will be travelling and verification of delegates and then, of course, that is when there will also be tree planting and health and environmental activities at the venue.

President Mnangagwa will officially open the conference on Friday 14 December.

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