
Mugabe And Wife Accused Of Human Rights Violations

Mugabe And Wife Accused Of Human Rights Violations

The Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission (ZHRC) says former President Robert Mugabe and his wife Grace were responsible for violating human rights. The ZHRC report said 2017 witnessed gross human rights violations. These include the right to life, food and water, education, among others. Elasto Mugwadi, ZHRC chairperson said that the former President and his wife used the countrywide ZANU PF youth interface rallies to attack and denigrate their opponents. Mugwadi said this in a ZHRC report tabled before the National Assembly on Thursday. He said

(They) grossly undermined Zimbabwe’s founding constitutional values and principles, including the rule of law and recognition of the inherent worth and dignity of each human being… Accountability to citizens in relation to the fulfilment of many of their rights was eroded as government ministers, senior civil servants and other duty bearers spent most of their time attending political rallies and negating their constitutional and statutory obligations to deliver services to the citizenry.

More: The Standard
