
Industry Deputy Minister Donates First Salary

Industry Deputy Minister Donates First Salary

Industry and Commerce Deputy Minister Rajesh Modi, who pledged to donate his Government salary, last week gave his first salary to a Bulawayo woman who suffered a stroke and needed specialist medical attention.

Brenda Zulu of Mzilikazi suburb was admitted at Mpilo Central Hospital before being discharged. Modi had her admitted to the Roman Catholic church-run Mater Dei Hospital, which had the required specialist facilities to treat her ailment. He paid the medical bills using his Government salary. In an interview with The Chronicle Modi said:

Sometimes it’s not about waiting for bigger projects that will benefit a lot of people. It is the little things that touch a few lives that matter. Next time it may be a household that needs food, a pupil in need of school fees or any other person in need of help. It may seem worthless to the next person but I know that part of their burdens would have been lifted.

More: Chronicle
