
800 000 Jobs Created Under New Dispensation: Mnangagwa

800 000 Jobs Created Under New Dispensation: Mnangagwa

The country has reportedly experienced a surge in production since the coming in of the New Dispensation last year. This has been authenticated by improved capacity utilisation in industry resulting in more employment opportunities having been created. In the latest instalment of his Sunday Mail column, President Emmerson Mnangagwa wrote

Figures from our National Social Security Authority indicate more than a million-strong registered workforce. This is the highest employment level ever in our country, with strong prospects of more jobs coming in the future. At a recent meeting I had with the business community, the Confederation of Zimbabwe Industries (CZI) corroborated this by reporting that 800 000 jobs had been created so far. On the ground, leading exporters like Zimasco, Bindura Nickel Corporation, Paramount Garments, Treger Holdings, Tanganda Tea Company, Suzan General Trading, have been reporting quantum gains in exports.

More: Sunday News
