
MDC Leaders Will Be Accountable If Demo Results In Death, Injury Or Damage To Property- George Charamba

MDC Leaders Will Be Accountable If Demo Results In Death, Injury Or Damage To Property- George Charamba

Presidential spokesperson, George Charamba, yesterday said the MDC leadership will be held accountable for loss of life and limb or damage to property during their demonstration on Thursday.

He said the responsibility is on the MDC leadership as the organisers of the demonstration to make sure there is no loss of life and limb or damage to property. Said Charamba:

Section 59 of the Constitution is very clear, it confers the right to demonstrate on all Zimbabweans. There is no intention of withdrawing that constitutional right except there is a qualification on that right both at the level of the Constitution and subsidiary law. Apparently, our laws place a burden on the organisers of that demonstration to make sure there is no injury to life, limb or property. In the event of any damage at whatever level, the onus is on the organisers and that must be known fully by the MDC Alliance. By their own admission, they are the ones who have approached the police, they are the ones who have called for the demonstration and we assume all demonstrators belong to them. So, we hold them fully and squarely accountable. They are liable jointly and severally.

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