Police spokesperson Charity Charamba confirmed they have cleared the Nelson Chamisa led MDC demonstration.
Charamba however said opposition leaders would be held accountable for any disruptions. She said police has gathered intelligence that there are some elements planning to cause violence and destroy property. Said Charamba:
Intelligence at hand indicates that some elements are planning to cause violence, disrupt the smooth flow and the peaceful environment in Harare Central Business District. The Zimbabwe Republic Police is on high alert monitoring the situation to ensure all those who will cause violence are dealt with according to the law. The information has already been communicated to the conveners. Law enforcement agents will not hesitate to arrest anyone found violating the law. The conveners of the demonstrations will be held accountable for any disruptions, destruction to property and ensuing violence in the CBD. The ZRP is appealing to all those who intend to participate in the demonstration to observe peace and maintain law and order.
More: MailandTelegraph