
Zanu-PF Urges MPs To Deliver Campaign Promises

Zanu-PF Urges MPs To Deliver Campaign Promises

Speaking while donating to people living with disabilities and the elderly in Nketa suburb yesterday, Zanu-PF Bulawayo Provincial Secretary for Administration Elphas Mashaba urged legislators to prioritise delivering what they promised the electorate.

He donated footwear to hundreds of the elderly and their grandchildren and to people living with disabilities. Said Mashaba:

The campaign period came and passed. Now it is the time to fulfil whatever they promised us. If they are slow, we the people have the capacity to hold them accountable. We are tired of all talk no action. We now want the results.

Mashaba urged all politicians to be in solidarity with President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s call for servant leadership.

More: Chronicle
