
MPs Demand 3 Full-Course Meals For Them 'To Function Well'

MPs Demand 3 Full-Course Meals For Them 'To Function Well'

Norton Member of Parliament Themba Mliswa (Independent) said that MPs are being underfed at Parliament. Mliswa added that for them to function well, they needed to be well-fed. Mliswa had this to say,

You expect people to work yet they do not even get lunch when they are here. This budget must address our welfare. We are talking about having a world-class Parliament, but we only have a one-course meal and the dessert is an apple and a banana yet when we go out to other areas we get a trifle, a nice fruit salad, custard, ice cream and all that. But, look at what we get here — a mere banana and apple! There is no soup.

The diet for Members of Parliament is important. Nutrition is important because when Members do not eat well, they do not function well.

So, it is important that the nutrition of the Members of Parliament is maintained for them to discharge their duties well.

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