
Zera Working With Police To Weed Out Corrupt Fuel Suppliers Fueling Black Market

Zera Working With Police To Weed Out Corrupt Fuel Suppliers Fueling Black Market

The Zimbabwe Energy Regulatory Authority (Zera) says that it is working in collaboration with the police to investigate cases of corruption in the supply and distribution of fuel.

Fuel is said to be in abundant supply on the parallel markert yet service stations are dry. As a result, transport fares have skyrocketed and people spend several hours in fuel queues. Zera acting chief executive Eddington Mazambani had this to say,

We are investigating these issues, and we have increased our surveillance on suspected, corrupt fuel dealers. Those who are found disregarding the law will have their licences revoked immediately, and we will also not renew their trading licences for 2019.

We have our inspectors on the ground, but what we have resorted to doing now is to ensure that we increase our presence to weed out these unscrupulous activities. I am meeting the police today (yesterday), and we are going to create a committee comprising the police and our inspectors, which will be stationed in every province across the country.

More: Zimetro
