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Open"You're A Stinking Hypocrite" - Jonathan Moyo Responds To Strive Masiyiwa
6 years agoThu, 03 Jan 2019 07:15:31 GMT

Jonathan Moyo has called Zimbabwean billionaire Strive Masiyiwa a “lumpen democrat and a stinking hypocrite”. He was responding to comments by Masiyiwa on Facebook where he said that Moyo had been involved in the shutting down of Masiyiwa’s newspaper.
Said Moyo:
Strive, you’re a lumpen democrat & a stinking hypocrite. You claim not to read @Twitter, yet you twisted @dewamavhinga‘s TL , hoping to cost him his job. You shut down your paper by illegally not registering it. Recently you called the leader of your paper’s bombers, “sincere”!
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