
Chicken Inn Couple Sets Lobola Ceremony Date

Chicken Inn Couple Sets Lobola Ceremony Date

Makhosana Mguni, the man who proposed to Belinda Nyoni at a Chicken Inn outlet in Bulawayo, is set to pay amalobolo (bride price) for his fiancé in April.

Mguni however could not disclose the exact date saying he wants the day to be as private as possible. Said Mguni:

We aren’t going to tell people the exact date, but the ceremony will be held sometime in April. This is because it’s a family event and we want it to be as private as possible.

He said the wedding date would be announced after the lobola ceremony. Chicken Inn offered the couple a paid Campaign Ambassadorship, Chicken Inn meals at both the lobola and wedding ceremonies and a fully sponsored honeymoon (including plane tickets, accommodation, activities and spending money). It remains to be seen whether other companies will honour their pledges to the couple.

More: Chronicle
