There Will Be No Coup, Nor Another #ShutDownZim - Acie Lumumba

ZANU PF activist Acie Lumumba is confident that there will not be another coup in Zimbabwe. In a cryptic tweet today, Lumumba said that there is a battle between two senior figures, a battle to keep support form the financier (Queen B probably.
It’s time; There is a power wrangle at the top.
@edmnangagwa doesn’t want you to know who, you know who doesn’t want@edmnangagwa. Between the 2 is also the battle to keep support from the financier (who is the most lucrative pipeline available FOR NOW). There will be NO COUP!
He added that there will not be another national shutdown as people are afraid of losing their lives. He suggested that Zimbabweans are quick to forget and are keen to move on with their lives. Said Lumumba:
There will be no more shutdown/stay away. Business lost a lot last week, they can’t afford to stay shut. Also, those who stayed away gained nothing so they don’t see the point. Self-preservation is why there will be no more shutdown. Zimbabweans move on quickly!