
Remand Prisoners Moved To Bigger Prisons To Minimise Overcrowding

Remand Prisoners Moved To Bigger Prisons To Minimise Overcrowding

Zimbabwe Prisons and Correctional Services (ZPCS) public relations officer Chief Correctional Officer Meya Khanyezi said they are moving remand prisoners to bigger prisons in an effort to minimise overcrowding at smaller prisons.

Khanyezi said it is important to manage overcrowding at prisons as it has a negative impact on the rehabilitation of prisoners. Said Khanyezi:

The issue of overcrowding in prisons is problematic as it stretches limited resources. ZPCS always endeavours to minimise overcrowding by ensuring that some offenders awaiting trial are accommodated at other less overcrowded prisons within a particular area. With reference to Bulawayo, some remand prisoners are being accommodated at Prisons at Khami Complex.

More: Chronicle
