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OpenDoctors Will Not Be Paid For The 40 Days They Were On Strike - Health Services Board

Doctors at Public Health institutions who took part in a 40-day strike from December 2018 to January 2019 will not be paid for the days they did not report for duty. This was revealed by the Health Services Board:
Although we asked SSB to full pay for their salaries this month, I think it is only fair that people get paid for the work they do, no work no pay.
We, however, negotiated and said they could borrow money about $500 to $1 000, from a health fund which they will return progressively.
We also told the doctors that they could also take their off days and turn them to monetary terms in order for them to get paid because no business pays employees that were not at work.
The doctors also expressed frustration in that the government has so far failed to fulfil the promises it made to the doctors.
The Zimbabwe Hospital Doctors Association (ZHDA) secretary-general, Mthabisi Anele Bhebhe, told the Daily News that the government promised to provide fuel to doctors yet this has not been addressed. In fact, the government hiked the price of fuel by more 150 per cent.
More: Daily News