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University of Zimbabwe Hints Accomodation Fees Will Be Increased

5 years agoMon, 11 Feb 2019 02:00:14 GMT
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University of Zimbabwe Hints Accomodation Fees Will Be Increased

In a statement yesterday, the University of Zimbabwe said tuition and accommodation fees remain unchanged after consideration of the ongoing economic challenges in the country.

The institution however said it will continue monitoring trends in the pricing and cost structures of food and related commodities. The institution said it would advise stakeholders of any changes. Part of the statement reads:

The University of Zimbabwe wishes to advise the following to all students regarding tuition and accommodation fees for the February-June 2019 semester. The tuition and accommodation fees remain unchanged with the same structure as in the August-December 2018 semester. In this decision, the university is conscious of challenges that our students, parents, guardians and sponsors, including Government, are facing under the current economic environment. We remain grateful for the support our various sponsors continue to render to students and the institution.



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