
We Have Not Deployed Soldiers To Threaten Striking Teachers- ZDF

We Have Not Deployed Soldiers To Threaten Striking Teachers- ZDF

The Zimbabwe Defence Forces (ZDF) has dismissed as hogwash, claims that the military has been deployed in schools to intimidate striking teachers.

This follows reports from the private media that soldiers had been deployed to threaten and victimise striking teachers so that they remained in schools. The reports also claimed that armed soldiers have become a common feature at roadblocks.

In a statement yesterday, the ZDF denied the claims. ZDF spokesperson Colonel Overson Mugwisi said:

The ZDF has not deployed soldiers in schools and universities as alleged by opposition voices trying hard to tarnish the image of the organisation by keeping it in the spotlight for the wrong reasons. This is designed to compromise the ZDF professionalism and to achieve an anti-establishment agenda.

More: Herald
