
Teen Demands $1 000 Monthly For Child Upkeep From Ex-boyfriend

Teen Demands $1 000 Monthly For Child Upkeep From Ex-boyfriend

A Harare teenager is demanding more than $1 000 from her former boyfriend for the upkeep of their one-year-old baby.

Rutendo Wadzinganyama, 19, of Glen View suburb, demanded $1 140 from her car dealer boyfriend Confidence Mucheka when she appeared before magistrate Nyasha Marufu.

When she was asked by the magistrate to justify the amount, Wadzinganyama failed to do so. The teenager, who still resides with her parents, demanded $150 for medical aid cover, $150 rent, $50 entertainment, and $100 for clothes, $50 for electricity and water bills.

After considering Wadzinganyama’s request, magistrate Marufu had this to say:

This does not even reach $1 000. You see it is difficult to justify a figure you plucked out of nowhere. You cannot just sit down and demand such an amount.

More: Daily News
