Bus Stop TV actor Samantha Kureya popularly known as Gonyeti was on Tuesday taken away by the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) for questioning.
The plainclothes police officers nabbed the social media personality at her Mufakose home in Harare.
Gonyeti and her fellow-actor Maggie reportedly arrested on allegations of wearing police uniforms without authorisation, according to iharare.com.
The charges go back to 2016 when the duo released a skit in which they expose police brutality while clad in police uniform.
Gonyeti was taken away by the CID while Maggie handed herself to the Criminal Investigations Department (CID), Law and Order at Harare Central Police Station.
Below is the skit from 2016:
Gonyeti has been taken by CID for questioning. She was picked from her home in Mufakose.
— #6years Annivesary (@bustoptv) February 26, 2019
Below is the latest video posted yesterday by Bustop TV.
The skit, titled “Legacy Yamudhara” which talks about the failure of one leader to effectively lead a “thing” and how a younger more energetic leader is required.
In the video, the Gonyeti and Maggie reveal eventually reveal that the older leader is Daisy Mtukudzi and the younger one Selmor Mtukudzi and that the thing they were discussing is apparently, the band left behind by Oliver Mtukudzi.
At the end of the video, Gonyeti suggests that the two call for dialogue and see how, together, they can make this “thing” move.