
Soldier Jailed For Entering And Stealing From Mugabe's Blue Roof Residence

Soldier Jailed For Entering And Stealing From Mugabe's Blue Roof Residence

Zimbabwe National Army (ZNA) member Ngonidzashe Kapasura, 26, and his accomplice Raymond Chahwanda, 23, were sentenced to 16 months’ imprisonment for illegally entering and stealing from former president Robert Mugabe’s Blue Roof mansion.

The duo was jailed by Harare magistrate Victoria Mushamba on Thursday. They will serve an effective 6 months each behind bars after the rest of their sentences were suspended on conditions. The complainant in the case was Gushungo Holding Security which was represented by security guard Fredson Peter aged 25.

The court head that just before midnight on the 6th of January this year, the complainant came across Kapasura and Chahwanda when he was carrying out perimeter checks. The two had illegally entered the property which is a protected area. The court heard that Kapasura and Chahwanda were found in possession items which had been stolen from the property. They were apprehended and taken to the police.

