
Jonathan Moyo Faces Possible Rendition To Zimbabwe & Seizure Of Property

Jonathan Moyo Faces Possible Rendition To Zimbabwe & Seizure Of Property

The government is set to invoke the Money Laundering and Proceeds of Crime Amendment Act to seize properties of individuals who skip the country to avoid trial over corruption allegations.

This was revealed by the head of the Special Anti-Corruption Unit in the Office of the President and Cabinet (SACU) Tabani Mpofu. Said Mpofu:

We have accused persons who have absconded; we want to look at enforcing the bail conditions.

And where property has been pledged as part of the bail conditions, we will be engaging the necessary procedures to have the property forfeited by the State.

In addition, we will be looking at all available avenues open to us in terms of the law to proceed against accused persons who have wilfully absconded from the jurisdiction of our courts with the view to, where the law permits, forfeit all known property associated with those accused persons to this date.

Also, procedures have commenced using bilateral and multilateral relationships to have the accused persons brought to book.

Jonathan Moyo fled the country in November 2017 during the coup period after his house was reportedly shelled with sustained gunfire during “the Night of Long Knives”.

He has been living in exile ever since. Moyo faces charges of defrauding the Zimbabwe Manpower Development Fund (ZIMDEF) of over US$400 000 when he was the Minister for Higher and Tertiary Education.

More: Sunday News
