
Govt Dissolves Improperly Appointed National Aids Council Board

Govt Dissolves Improperly Appointed National Aids Council Board

Government has dissolved the National Aids Council (NAC) board with immediate effect, barely a year after its appointment.

In a letter dated March 4, Health and Child Care Minister Dr Obadiah Moyo said the board was dissolved because it was improperly appointed. The letter reads:

Further to our meeting of the 30th of January 2019, where it was noted that the NAC board was improperly appointed, His Excellency the President of the Republic of Zimbabwe has concurred to the dissolution of the NAC board with immediate effect and ordered that a new board be put in place in line with the provisions of the law.

NAC acting board chairperson Mrs Virginia Samkange confirmed that the board had indeed been dissolved. Other board members were Dr Josiah Tayi, Mr Chagwiza Togarepi, Mrs Nyasha Sithole, Rev Tanyanyiwa Chinyerere, Mr Stanley Takaona, Mrs Tariro Chikumbirike and Mrs Naume Mazango.

More: Herald
