
Govt Commends Millers For Supporting Contract Farming

Govt Commends Millers For Supporting Contract Farming

Industry and Commerce Minister, Nqobizita Mangaliso Ndlovu has commended grain millers for investing in the production of wheat as this will reduce foreign currency spent on importing the product.

Speaking at a recent dinner exhibition gala hosted by millers in Bulawayo, Minister Ndlovu said:

The Grain Millers Association of Zimbabwe (GMAZ) has made positive strides to ensure the availability of grains and grain products through various initiatives.

I am also reliably informed that a technical committee to spearhead wheat contract farming for the next three years has been established and this is truly commendable.

I was also informed that the expected output for this initiative will be at least 150 000 metric tonnes of wheat.

The country is spending close to US$100 million in wheat imports annually.

More: The Sunday Mail
