
First Lady Cuts United States Trip Short Due To Cyclone Idai

First Lady Cuts United States Trip Short Due To Cyclone Idai

First Lady Auxillia Mnangagwa had to return home from the United States where she was attending the 63rd session of the Commission on the Status of Women.

State owned publications report Mnangagwa returned to assist affected citizens following the devastating effects of Cyclone Idai that has so far claimed 139 lives in Zimbabwe. Women Affairs, Community and Small to Medium Enterprise Development Minister Sthembiso Nyoni said the First Lady was expected to present humanitarian work she is doing through her Angel of Hope Foundation. Said Nyoni:

As Minister and leader of this delegation, I saw it fit to invite our First Lady to this year’s CSW to come and share her most humbling and wonderful works which she is doing through her Angel of Hope Foundation back home. I also want to convey an apology from our First Lady who could not be here with us today as we all know that our country was hit by a cyclone which affected parts of our country and our First Lady, as a responsible leader, had to fly back home to see to it that the affected citizens are assisted.

Angel of Hope board member Ms Rachel Nield Geranios, on behalf of the First Lady made the visual and oral presentation.


More: Chronicle
