
Over 90% Zim Workers Without Social Security

Over 90% Zim Workers Without Social Security

The majority of Zimbabwean workers are not covered by social security as most people are employed in the unregulated informal sector, according to the National Social Security Authority (NSSA).

NSSA acting chief social security officer Shepherd Muperi said:

The current coverage of only four branches of social security means that Zimbabwe still has to cover the remaining five branches in order to attain the ILO minimum standards.

Moreover, the existence of a huge informal sector, which is not covered by social security, means that the country is still very far away from attaining these minimum standards.

… Given that social security schemes are important tools for fighting poverty, informal sector workers, who constitute 94,5 per cent of the country’s labour force (Zimstat, 2015), are in dire need of social security cover.

In Zimbabwe, the National Social Security Authority (NSSA), constituted and established in terms of the NSSA Act of 1989, Chapter 17: 04, is obliged to provide social security.


More: The Sunday Mail
