
Nyagura's Case Postponed

Nyagura's Case Postponed

The case of the just-retired University of Zimbabwe vice-chancellor, Levi Nyagura, who is facing criminal abuse of office charges has been postponed.

Deputy chief magistrate Elijah Makomo said that the presiding magistrate and acting chief magistrate Munamato Mutevedzi were engaged with other duties and will pass the ruling on Thursday.

Nyagura is accused of awarding former First Lady Grace Mugabe a Doctor of Philosophy Degree (Ph.D.). He submitted that the matter was administrative and had no criminal sanction.

The State, represented by Michael Chakandida and Tapiwa Godzi, however, distanced Mnangagwa and Mugabe from the case. It opined that the roles of the chancellors were restricted to capping students and reading speeches.


More: News Day

