
47.9% Of Gweru City Council Workers Are Under-qualified - Audit

47.9% Of Gweru City Council Workers Are Under-qualified - Audit

An Urban Councils Association of Zimbabwe (UCAZ) exercise meant to benchmark the level of services delivered by Gweru City Council has revealed that about half of the senior management at the municipality is under-qualified for posts held.

The exercise revealed that the under-qualified staff who constitute 47,9 percent is within the senior and middle management. The exercise however did not specify the exact positions which are held by the under qualified personnel.

The chairperson of the review committee, Mr Malvin Dondo attributed corporate governance issues  at the council to under qualified managers running the city.

It is believed that engineers from Germany saved the local government from borrowing  borrowing $10 million that was meant to buy new water infrastructure. The engineers are said to have managed to establish and fix a single water valve that was preventing water from flowing into Kopje reservoir tanks for the past 15 years.

Resultantly, the council only paid transport costs for the engineers.


More: The Herald
