Joice Mujuru using Twitter has shut down rumors that President Mnangagwa visited her. A Twitter user had claimed that ED Visited Mujuru quoting W Matambo
“President ED Mnangagwa @edmnangagwa visited former VP Joice Runaida Teurairopa Mujuru @JoiceMujuru_ ” W. M Matambo
— Open Space (@OpenSpaceZW) April 20, 2019
Joice Mujuru using her official Twitter account quoted that tweet and denied the story
No such visitation happened with him. Its a lie
— Joice Mujuru (@JoiceMujuru_) April 21, 2019
This comes a few weeks after there was a media frenzy caused by a rumor that said Dr. Mujuru was going back to Zanu Pf where she was sucked a few years ago.