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MOPA Is A Mere Replica Of POSA - MDC Alliance

5 years agoFri, 26 Apr 2019 12:21:47 GMT
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MOPA Is A Mere Replica Of POSA - MDC Alliance

The Maintenance of Peace and Order Bill (MOPA) has been characterised as a reincarnation of the repressive Public Order and Security Act (POSA).

The MOPA Bill is part of moves to align the country’s laws with the new constitution. This is being done after the international community piled pressure on the “New Dispensation” to reform.

However, MDC Alliance MP for Mutare Central, Innocent Gonese said that MOPA is a copy of POSA. Said Gonese:

There are no changes at all in this new Bill compared to POSA. Actually, the changes are just cosmetic and it is very similar to the previous law (POSA) because we will still have the same problems of criminalisation and abuse of people who fail to notify the police when they engage in demonstrations or gatherings.

The police still have powers to prohibit meetings and this can be abused and I would describe the Bill as a regurgitation of POSA, except for that section 27 of POSA was struck down by the courts.

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Obviously from the opposition perspective, we will not be supporting this Bill, but unfortunately, Zanu PF will use its numbers (majority) to vote for it.

Gonese added that the new Bill is merely a smokescreen to hoodwink the international community;

They are trying to hoodwink the international community that they are aligning laws to the Constitution, but if you look at the MOPA, it does not speak about repealing of POSA. It should have a clause that speaks about repealing POSA.


More: Newsday



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