
Something Is Wrong With Our Revenue Collection Systems - Harare Mayor

Something Is Wrong With Our Revenue Collection Systems - Harare Mayor

Harare mayor, Herbert Gomba has hinted on the need for the city to investigate the cause of diminishing revenue from the informal sector.

In 2017, we collected $3 million and the figure went down to $2,5 million in 2018 and now we are projecting to collect around $1,3 million at a time when the number of vendors is increasing. Something is wrong with our revenue collection systems.

We made it very clear when we got into office that our mandate is to transform Harare and the lives of the ratepayers and residents and also transform Harare into a smart city. This means that we will leave no stone unturned in our desire to deliver efficient services to the residents of Harare.

We are all aware that the country is going through serious economic challenges and Harare is included. Our debtors’ book, which is currently over $800 million, is testimony to that. This, therefore, demands fresh thinkers and innovators so that we are able to deliver services.

Gomba also noted the need to curtail corruption by city workers. The mayor also called upon residents to pay their rates for enhanced service delivery.

The local government has been criticised for poor service delivery in areas such as water provision, sewer reticulation, and garbage collection where services have been either intermittent or absent.

More: NewsDay
