
Bobi Wine Detained For An Hour On Arrival At RGMI Airport - Report

Bobi Wine Detained For An Hour On Arrival At RGMI Airport - Report

The visiting Ugandan politician, Bobi Wine was reportedly detained for about an hour by Zimbabwe’s security agents soon after he landed at the RGMI Airport on Friday.

Wine is a Member of Parliament of an opposition political party in his home country.

Wine was in the company of a secretary general of opposition Kenya’s Orange Democratic Movement and the duo were detained together.

The arrest of the two East Africans was revealed by MDC spokesperson Jacob Mafume. He said:

This is what we have in Africa. We must liberate the continent of artificial borders created by capitalists, a Berlin in Germany led by a chap known as Otto von Bismarck.

This is what authorities that respect colonial borders do. The MDC does not respect that. We want Africans to be able to travel anywhere they want.

He will share with you the details of his ordeal.

NewZimbabwe sources said that the security agents wanted to know the contents of the speech that Wine was to deliver at the MDC congress. Said the source:

They demanded to know what he is going to say. They accused him of coming to Zimbabwe to stoke tensions and violence.

Security accused the Kenyan opposition leader of trying to inspire an uprising in Zimbabwe.

They only let him go after he indicated he would urge dialogue in his speech.

More: NewZimbabwe
