
Winter Wheat Farming Season In Slow Start

Winter Wheat Farming Season In Slow Start

The Zimbabwe Commercial Farmers Union (ZCFU) revealed that less than 10% of land earmarked for this year’s winter wheat farming season has been planted.

ZCFU president Shadreck Makombe expressed hope that by the first week of June all farmers would have finished planting. Said Makombe:

In the meantime preparations are going on, planting is going on.

Everything being equal, planting was supposed to be finished by the second week of May. We are behind schedule as it stands; only 6 000 hectares have been planted.

It is encouraged that we plant in May. By next week most farmers should have it done.

Makombe said that the wheat price of ZWL$1 089,68 per tonne was good when it was announced but has since been reduced to nothing by runaway inflation.

He added that it would be prudent that the producer price is fixed in US dollars.

The erratic supply of electricity by the Zimbabwe Electricity Supply Authority (ZESA) is a cause for concern by the farmers, the ZFCU boss added.

More: Newsday
