
OPINION: A Disgruntled Workforce Is The Last Thing This Economy Needs

OPINION: A Disgruntled Workforce Is The Last Thing This Economy Needs

As the country is submerged in political and economic crises, the NewsDay has said that the workers’ situation is now unsustainable. It notes that the workers’ salaries have been eroded by the unrelenting inflation.

The publication notes that workers in all sectors are disgruntled as the cost of living is increasingly becoming unbearable. Part of the article reads:

While it is logical that any significant movement in the cost of goods and services should also translate into some kind of adjustment in the wage bill, this has not been the case in Zimbabwe; a situation we are afraid to say is becoming increasingly untenable.

All things being equal, we should never get to a situation whereby the country’s entire workforce resorts to petitioning the Head of State to press for better wages and working conditions. This merely points to a serious disconnect in the functioning of the whole State.

The publication further laments lack of communication between the government, workers, and business to iron out issues. The article further reads:

It seems government and the employers are now largely interested more on their own survival at the expense of the workers. But this kind of attitude is not only unsustainable, but is a serious indictment on any efforts to revive this troubled economy. We have said before, and repeat it again here, that a disgruntled workforce is the last thing this economy needs.

The publication recommends a discourse amongst concerned parties as a way to prevent the situation from exploding.

More: NewsDay
