
Burglars Break Into, Ransack Ministry Of Health Offices

Burglars Break Into, Ransack Ministry Of Health Offices

There was a break-in at the Ministry of Health and Child Care headquarters offices in Harare at the weekend with speculation rife that it could be an inside job.

The break-in occurred while the Health Minister, Obadiah Moyo was away in Geneva, Switzerland, on World Health Organisation (WHO) business.

According to The Herald’s sources, offices belonging to high-ranking officials in the Ministry were ransacked. Said the sources:

There was a break-in at the ministry (of Health and Child Care) head office in which four offices were targeted.

The perpetrators might have gained entry using fire escape routes and it looks they were familiar with the office’s geography.

The office of the permanent secretary, finance director, chief accountant and one for a senior director in policy formulation were targeted.

Some documents went missing and some fuel coupons were stolen from these offices. There has been a seismic power wrangle going on with some old members at the ministry not happy with the change of the administration.

Meanwhile, the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) confirmed the burglary. Police spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi said:

I can confirm that as the ZRP we are investigating a case of unlawful entry and theft done at the Ministry of Health and Child Care head office where several offices were ransacked and documents were stolen

As the police, we are seized with the matter and investigations are currently underway and we will give you the findings in the not so distant future.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa recently appointed Dr Agnes Mahomva as the new permanent secretary in the Ministry in place of Dr Gerald Gwinji.

More: The Herald
