
ZIMRA To Conduct Comprehensive Staff Audit

ZIMRA To Conduct Comprehensive Staff Audit

The Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (ZIMRA) is set to hire a human resources consultancy firm to carry out an employee audit.

This was revealed in the Government Gazette published last week on Friday under General Notice 949 of 2019. Part of the notice reads:

The Zimbabwe Revenue Authority would like to hire the services of a human resources consulting firm specialised in conducting staff rationalisation and optimisation.

… The main responsibility of the consulting firm is to carry out comprehensive data-driven diagnostics of the current status in relation to the; organisational structure, headcount per role, staff capacity per role.

Working with the project team, to come up with an ideal structure in collaboration with divisional executives.

Using statistical methods to determine the optimum headcount per role in line with the proposed structure and strategy.

ZIMRA devised a strategic plan in 2018 meant to raise the revenue it collects to $7 billion annually within the next five years, that is, 2019-2023.

More: The Herald
