
562 Illegal Immigrants Deported

562 Illegal Immigrants Deported

The Department of Immigration said that 614 arrests of foreign nationals have been affected since the start of the year for staying in the country illegally.

Newly-appointed chief immigration officer, Respect Gono, said that a total of 562 illegal immigrants have been deported from the country. She said:

The department carries out spontaneous and sporadic operations countrywide.

The department has strengthened stakeholder engagement with other security departments. The department publishes cases of those in breach of national migration laws to deter future offenders.

This has also resulted in citizens giving tip-offs leading to successful arrests. We have ensured offenders are prosecuted for deterrence.

To date, a total of 614 have been prosecuted, while 562 illegal immigrants have been deported from the country.

Gono said the Department has a code of conduct guided by the Public Service Regulations of 2000 to ensure that all officers conduct themselves properly.

She also revealed that they have a staff transfer policy in place to ensure that officers do not enjoy prolonged stays at one station.

This is done to ensure that the officers will not over familiarise themselves with clients who use respective borders, she added.

More: The Herald
