
Only Soldiers Received The Cushion, Maybe Because They Have Guns & We Haven't - Teachers

Only Soldiers Received The Cushion, Maybe Because They Have Guns & We Haven't - Teachers

Progressive Teachers Union of Zimbabwe (PTUZ) Secretary-General, Raymond Majongwe, has mocked the civil servants cushion the government is giving to workers.

Majongwe was appearing before the Priscilla Misihairabwi-Mushonga-chaired Public Service parliamentary portfolio committee yesterday.

The Zimbabwe Teachers Union (Zimta) together with the Progressive Teachers’ Union of Zimbabwe (PTUZ) called upon the Parliament to push the executive to pay them salaries commensurate with the current cost of living as opposed to cushioning them once off. Majongwe said:

We do not want to be given money with names and surnames. The moment money is given all sorts of names instead of just calling it a salary means that something is not right because as it stands the cushion was only received by soldiers maybe because they have guns and we have not.

The soaring inflation has been constantly eroding workers salaries particularly since the local currency lost its value against the United States dollar.

Workers recently demanded salaries which are above the poverty datum line.

More: Daily News
