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NGO Helping Zim Families Locate Loved Ones That Migrated To South Africa

5 years agoSun, 04 Aug 2019 12:40:25 GMT
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NGO Helping Zim Families Locate Loved Ones That Migrated To South Africa

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is helping Zimbabwean families locate their long lost loved ones who migrated to South Africa. The NGO looks for people that migrated to South Africa and lost touch with the families back home.

Unita Ndou, an ICRC restoring family links field officer, said they have done about 20 reunions so far and still have 72 more people that the organisation is searching for. She said the organisation’s personnel move from farm to farm, looking for the people on her list:

When we deliver good news it is one of the most happy moments of my job for me and ICRC.  However, sometimes we get to discover that the person is dead and we have to carry the message back to the family. It is one of the most difficult messages to relay.

The ICRC programme is new and still under pilot. It’s handling 100 cases so far.

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