
Cases Of Malaria Spike In Manicaland Province

Cases Of Malaria Spike In Manicaland Province

There has been a spike in the number of recorded cases of malaria and deaths resulting from the disease in Manicaland province following floods induced by Tropical Cyclone Idai.

Manicaland Provincial medical director, Patron Mafaune, revealed that 66 people have died from the disease and close to 80 000 cases have been recorded since the start of the year. She said:

I want to thank all stakeholders who supported us during Cyclone Idai. Overall availability of medicine is 66,7% in Manicaland.

The challenge we had at the beginning of this year is the shortage of doctors because most of them had gone for studies, but the situation has since improved.

On the issue of malaria, we have recorded 77 711 cases of malaria this year in Manicaland and we have recorded 66 deaths since the start of the year, we are starting a spraying programme, we need your support so that we can go to homes.

More: NewsDay
