
6 000 Illegal Settlers Ignore Govt Eviction Notice

6 000 Illegal Settlers Ignore Govt Eviction Notice

An official in the Ministry of Lands said that over 6 000 illegal settlers in Manicaland are refusing to vacate land after the government served them with eviction notices.

Addressing Zanu PF provincial leadership in Mutare at the weekend, Tendai Chimunhu revealed that only 47 people have complied with the government directive. He said:

We have issues of illegal settlers in the province.

Of the 6 451 people who we served with eviction notices, only 47 people have complied, which is quite a small number.

All these people have been given alternative land. Maybe they have challenges and we will be looking into it.

Speaking at the same event, ZANU PF politburo member, Patrick Chinamasa thanked Manicaland Provincial Affairs minister Ellen Gwaradzimba for availing another land to the families who were given eviction notices.

More: NewsDay
