
Call For Demos Means All Not Well - Churches Urge Mnangagwa & Chamisa To Meet

Call For Demos Means All Not Well - Churches Urge Mnangagwa & Chamisa To Meet

Following the calls for demonstrations planned on the 16th, 19th and 20th of August, the  Zimbabwe Head of Christian Denominations (ZHOCD) has urged President Mnangagwa and MDC President Nelson Chamisa to meet.

Said ZHOCD secretary general Reverend Kenneth Mtata to

To this end, church leaders exhort his Excellency, President Emmerson Mnangagwa and the leader of the MDC, Advocate Nelson Chamisa to explore the possibility of accelerating much needed dialogue in this time of deepening national division and despair.

The church leaders are deeply worried by the invocation in some quarters of the violence of August 2018 and January 2019 to sow fear and deepen political polarisation amongst our people.

We would want to recognise both the citizens’ constitutional right to demonstrate peacefully as well as the state’s constitutional responsibility to maintain law and order within the confines of the law.

The fact some Zimbabweans feel compelled to the streets to demonstrate to voice their concerns evinces the need for broad comprehensive dialogue process towards the resolution of urgent and long-term challenges undermining unity, trust and patriotism

More: NewZimbabwe
