
Details Of 16 August Demonstrations To Be Released Wednesday - MDC

Details Of 16 August Demonstrations To Be Released Wednesday - MDC

MDC Secretary-General, Charlton Hwende, has said that the details of the planned MDC demonstrations will be released to Zimbabweans on Wednesday, 14 August 2019. In a tweet on Monday evening, Hwende indicated that they could not divulge all the details as the party is not operating in a democratic country.

He also said that there would be no violence and that measures have been put in place to ensure adherence to Section 59 of Zimbabwe’s constitution which guarantees the freedom to protest.

Said Hwende:

We have noted all the questions being asked about the People’s March on Friday. The MDC will address the nation on Wednesday through a Press Conference. As you would imagine, we are not operating in a democracy, so some details will remain confidential for obvious reasons.

There is going to be no violence we are deploying peace marshals to ensure that the demo conforms to section 59.

Earlier today, Deputy Minister of Defence, Victor Mademadanda said that the demonstrations would not take place without elaborating how and why. At the weekend, Home Affairs minister Cain Mathema claimed that the governed had uncovered information suggesting that the MDC wanted the demonstrations to turn violent and that they were using foreigners who participated in the Sudan and the Arab demonstrations.

More: Charlton Hwende on Twitter
